personal development

With coaching you benefit from additional perspectives, develop new approaches and behaviors and become aware of your strengths.

Possible topics:

  • Individual strengths
  • Own values
  • Obstacles and insecurities
  • New thought and behavior pattern
  • Additional perceptions and perspectives
  • Communication behavior
  • Realization of objectives
  • Conscious decision-making

During the one-to-one coaching I meet you where you are, initiate thinking processes and accompany you in your personal development process. I support you in becoming aware of your various strengths and talents, in unfolding and strengthening them. The focus lies on what you want more of in your life. An open and appreciative mindset in a trusting and calm environment is important to me.

My understanding of coaching is systemic and resource-oriented. I include the cognitive as well as the emotional and physical level and, also integrate techniques of other areas such as Appreciative Inquiry, Hypnosis or Design Thinking. 


During the preliminary discussion we will clarify our expectations, the process and your topic.

The chosen approach is adjusted to your questions and needs. 

A session lasts around 90 minutes and takes places online or on request at an alternative, suitable location. If you require further information, please contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. 


Cornelia Seglias |Baarermattstrasse 8b
6340 Baar | Switzerland
+41 78 853 07 22